Interesting Story: A few months ago, i was sitting around with my colleagues in the Chitalishte...we were all huddling together in our little officefor warmth. Nedka, our lovely accountant, was writing something on the computer. My boss, Kumber, zie creative painter, wonderful 50 year old man with a beard, was looking at books to add to the chitalishte collection. I was standing close to him, doing something or other, probably picking my nose. At one point, I looked over at the list of books he was looking at. One of the books was called "You're Still a Sexy Piece of Meat". I thought that was pretty funny, so I read it out loud. Well, Nedka didn't realize that that was a book title since she was looking at the computer. She turned around and looked at me inquisitively with a bit of shock in her expression. 'You American girls just can't hide your feelings...couldn't you wait until you were alone in one room with the boss to let him know how you really feel?' Kumber and I burst out laughing and showed her the book. She had really thought that I was just feeling so turned on by the boss that I was about to burst if I didn't tell him exactly how sexy of a piece of meat I found him to be. I may be emotional and direct, but, hey....i do have my limits :-) We all laughed pretty hard for a while. And all was good.As the weather is getting warmer, we no longer need to huddle so much for warmth and it's been wonderful to be outside more and to play frisbee and to hike and smell the budding trees and bushes. It's a sweet time of the year. Of course, this means less time on the computer, more time on the fields, so blogs may be a bit sparser for the next few months. No matter, I bet you readers would rather be outside than sitting in front of the computer as well.
Before saying goodbye, I'd like to share a poem with you, from a while ago...feeling inspired thanks to a poetry reading put on by the kids in the writing club of the chitalishte. I was blown away by the creativity and wisdom that the kids embody. Nedka's daughter, Vivi, won a contest put on by a Turkish/Bulgarian magazine called UMut.
Multitudes of particles,
struggling for control.
A multitude of particles,
who's gonna steal the show?
Caught up in the act of
putting up resistance.
It's too hard to find the time
to provide fellow assistance.
Moving, clashing and colliding,
Wherever you look, clouds of activity are hiding.
Perpetual motion obscures...
the ability to see,
the possibility to be,
the state of being free.
What these particles don't know is that...
there's a force which supercedes the stormy weather,
a current that binds all particles together.
When the proper conditions arise,
there will no longer be need for tries.
Surrendering to the powerful force that binds,
unlimited energy is what a particle finds.
We humans are a part of nature,
and of particles we're built.
Could there be more to life,
than a flower that will wilt?
Could a human a superconductor be?
Is there hope for a superconducting we?
For those of you who've already read it...well, now you've read it twice. Don't worry, newer poetry is to come.
If you're wondering whether I"m using this blog as a shameless plug for poetry and literature...the answer is...yes, yes, I am. You gotta problem wit that? I'll take you on in a 'poetry slam'! I may lose, but i'll take you. And i'll enjoy it ;-) Enjoy yourself, dear reader...nobody else is gonna do it for ya, so ya might as well do it yourself!